Sunday, October 25, 2009

Collage Project

This project was what I created after we read the book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." This book was about a caterpillar that couldn't get hungry, he ate and ate and ate. He ate until he got sick. After he ate a leaf he felt better. From this story I figured the most important character was obviously the caterpillar; therefore, I decided to try and make a replica of what I think the caterpillar in the story really would look like. I counted how many different things the caterpillar ate throughout the story and there were twenty-six different items he ate. I then made the caterpillars body out of twenty-six different segments. If I were a teacher I think I would have the class read this and then we could possibly do a math problem out of it. First off I would have each student make a caterpillar. I would then have them count all the foods the caterpillar ate up until he turned into a cocoon. They would make the caterpillar out of as many segments they got when counting the different foods the caterpillar ate. I believe this project would probably be for first or second graders. They would have to be able to read, count and use their memory. For a science lesson the students could study the life of a caterpillar and all the changes they go through. In social studies classes could study where caterpillars are mainly at or where the originally came from. Maybe for fun in a Physical Education class the students could dance or move as if they were a caterpillar. I would possibly extend this lesson by having the class show the caterpillar before and after he turned into a cocoon.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Safari Animal Project

With this project we were told to choose a safari animal and draw it onto our paper using a blue color pencil. After drawing the animal with the blue pencil we were told to come up with a pattern to draw over top of our animal. I chose to just mix up some warm colors and spread them throughout the project. After I was done coloring horizontal lines I also made some vertical lines using red and orange. When this was all done we had to take our 3-D glasses, that we made in class, and look at our project. We had to see if we could see the animal that we chose under those warm colors by using our glasses. I chose to draw a cat-looking animal; therefore, when I put my 3-D glasses on I could see my cat underneath the warm color scheme I had chosen.
I think a teacher could expand this project by maybe having some older kids do a few of these drawings and make like a cartoon book out of their projects. They could draw a few different animals or scenes and draw over them with some type of pattern. When they were done with that they could put them in a book and let either kids their age or of a younger age go through and look at the book using 3-D glasses. I think by doing this, students not only better themselves with art methods, but also show the younger generation how to do something like it and enjoy simply projects.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Starry Night Story

There was once a small village named, Whitaville. The village of
Whitaville was a very interesting. Many people would flock to this town during the daytime hours on Sunday in order to go to church and then after church everyone would go eat at the village's very own little restaurant, Omar's. After eating at Omar's everyone would sit around and visit with each other until it was dark outside. Whitaville had a very nice, little church that could hold about 200 people. This church was always jam packed on Sundays because everyone could go to church, eat, and enjoy the fabulous sky at night. Whitaville was very well known for the beautiful and unique skies it had at night. Many times the stars would swirl all over the sky in almost a ribbon-like manner. The stars were always so big and bright. The most beautiful thing that would happen with the sky is that the stars and moon shone so bright that they reflected off of the little lake that was to the east of town. Whitaville was not only beautiful during the day, it had an absolute starry night!

My Elements/Principles Design Composition

Here is my Elements and Principles of Design Composition. For this particular project I had to show texture using emphasis. I used corn husks for the bottom and top of this project. In the middle (where the leaves are located) I used a strip of canvas and then placed some dead leaves on top of it. After gluing the corn husks, the canvas, and leaves down- I had to make sure I showed emphasis. I wanted to stick with the Fall theme so I added some corn kernels to one of the leaves. After doing this I thought that the leaf with the corn on it obviously stood out amongst the other leaves. My overall thought about this project was quite good. I felt as if I really did use texture and showed emphasis. Everything on my project had obvious texture and then by adding the corn that really made my project pop! I was very pleased with my project.

My Footprint

This is my footprint that says a little bit about my hobbies and interests. First off, I am a mommy to a beautiful little girl, Olivia Rae. She is now twenty-one months old and is starting become quite a little character! I love to be outside, especially after it rains because I just love the smell of the air. I really enjoy scrapbooking, winter and all the snow it brings, going to Minnesota Vikings football games and flowers. My favorite place to shop in Aberdeen, SD is Target-I just love it! I also like to go to many different sporing activities throughout the year; however, my summer is usually the busiest because my brother races all summer long. Another thing that I really enjoy is getting flowers, but also planting them as well.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sidney Goodman

The Elements-Water

Art Review

  • Describe The Facts: This artist uses many different lines all over this painting. He uses lines that go way up to where the sky would be located and also uses lines on the bottom of the painting where the ocean would be. He also uses many different lines that have a swirling affect. This swirling affect really catches your attention and shows the many different textures that water has.

  • Analysis: There are many different values of gray. There are a lot of dark colors in this picture: black, gray. But there are also some white blended in; therefore, there is a good contrast between the black and white.

  • Interpretation: I believe this painting is showing the violence waves and water can consist of. By having water shooting up and spraying all over the "sky" and the water being a little more calming below shows the different emotions water can have. In this painting I think the overall belief is that water is so unpredictable.

  • Judgement: I like this painting. I like how it catches my attention. It reminds me of a storm; storms are very unpredictable as well as water. I like how this artist makes you think that everything is so unpredictable.