Monday, October 19, 2009

Safari Animal Project

With this project we were told to choose a safari animal and draw it onto our paper using a blue color pencil. After drawing the animal with the blue pencil we were told to come up with a pattern to draw over top of our animal. I chose to just mix up some warm colors and spread them throughout the project. After I was done coloring horizontal lines I also made some vertical lines using red and orange. When this was all done we had to take our 3-D glasses, that we made in class, and look at our project. We had to see if we could see the animal that we chose under those warm colors by using our glasses. I chose to draw a cat-looking animal; therefore, when I put my 3-D glasses on I could see my cat underneath the warm color scheme I had chosen.
I think a teacher could expand this project by maybe having some older kids do a few of these drawings and make like a cartoon book out of their projects. They could draw a few different animals or scenes and draw over them with some type of pattern. When they were done with that they could put them in a book and let either kids their age or of a younger age go through and look at the book using 3-D glasses. I think by doing this, students not only better themselves with art methods, but also show the younger generation how to do something like it and enjoy simply projects.

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